Blog Archive

Friday, March 14, 2014

Home Sweet Home

Can you believe it's been a month since I flew to Florida (and thus a really long time since my last post)? Sorry 'bout that! I've just been enjoying being at home in good old Innsbruck, seeing all my friends again and enjoying all of my familiar european things…

You could not believe how happy I was to come home. I had an absolutely fabulous time with my family in Florida, but as we descended into Munich, the sun was rising and I practically had tears in my eyes. You know you're lucky when you can be that excited about coming home. Where I grew up, in Ann Arbor (Michigan), we went on vacation a lot (mostly to New York) and every time we had to go home we were just so bummed. I mean vacations are fun and no one ever wants it to end, but being able to look forward to going home feels so cool. I feel so lucky to be in love with the place I live. I love Europe(well who doesn't, really)!

I'm back to the same old stuff, networking (meeting people and "teaming up"), baking banana bread, and all the other things one does in Innsbruck (hiking!). I'm excited to say I'm doing a small vintage-style photoshoot tomorrow for my friend's art show which should be pretty fun! Today we went on a  relatively big hike in the mountains to get to an awesome climbing spot. The hike was pretty long (and crazy!), there was even a part where we had to climb over a train tunnel (I had to use a rope because there was almost no ground to land on). It was awesome!

Okay while it all sounds so cool, it's still life. Life is beautiful but not without its ups and downs. And I really miss my family! To be honest, I had a hard time fitting in at the time in Florida- I felt pretty out of place culture-wise. But I had a really good time seeing all of my aunts, uncles, and cousins; I wish we would see each other more often!

Anyway, everything is a learning process. What I learned in Florida is that it's important to be in the moment and to be content wherever one is. Hindsight is 20/20! I've always had this difficulty with being too dreamy and always being somewhere else in my head than where I physically am. When I was in Florida, I was terribly homesick. Now that I'm home, I miss my family. On a road trip in 2009, I was dying to get to Havasu Falls, AZ (a beautiful location off the Grand Canyon). Once we got to the falls, all I could think about was Denver. Story of my life!

Of course now that I'm home, I'm extremely content. Believe it or not, it's everything I'm used to now. And as of February 27th, I've lived in Europe for 2 years! That is a relatively short period of time. But when I look back at how many things have changed since February 27th, 2012, it feels like forever. It feels kinda like both my mentality and personality have changed. Of course between the ages of 16-18 (the age span for me since the move), a lot changes anyway. I've learned to think and dream bigger. I've figured out exactly what I want with my life, and that's a good feeling! But anyway, things should get interesting in the next weeks…

I'm excited!

The updates will keep coming… ;)

Lots of love!

Song of the Day: Recover by CHVRCHES (this song is AWESOME)