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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Ach Leute!

...when translated means roughly, "oh come on guys!"

So last night I photographed my first club party! And it was so much fun! First of all, my coworker who was showing me the ropes was great. He was so funny and obviously doesn't let anything get him down. Besides that, the place was really cool, very spacious and I think a pretty good locale for a party! Anyway, the only funny thing was people and getting their pictures taken!

First you have the people who are simple and are satisfied with their pictures (I like those people the best!). Then you have people who want photos but their friends don't, or they all do but keep changing their minds. At some point they either just decide to do it or you have to walk away (indecisiveness is not productive for anyone!). Then you have people who seem shocked by their photos. And hate them. And beg you to take more. And then demand that you delete the series.

Know what I mean?

A word on appearances and self-image. I don't love every picture of myself, especially if I'm doing a series with a photographer. You might honestly get 10 good shots out of a 100 photo series (unless you're Kate Moss or something). But man are people sensitive about this! And I got to see that first-hand. I really hate that we are trained in this world's society to be so focused on images and perfection. My personal technique for being photographed is to stay as simple, natural, and positive as possible. If everyone would just look at the cameras as if they were celebrities being paparazzi'd on the red carpet, the whole image would change for them. I mean I think the pictures were pretty good, but there are so many people who fret about not being flawless.

Is that where we are in the 21st century? Fretting about flawlessness? Can't we all be our most natural, true-to-us selves?

My point is, if I take your picture at a club, just smile and be happy! Because that will make the most beautiful and exciting picture. I can be camera-shy too, but's it's something I think many people have to work around. Just hit back a tequila and you'll be good to go! ;)  For those of you who know our lovely British girl, follow her lead! She is someone who knows how to be photographed!

Everyone having a nice weekend??

Music for today: Ballet Dancer by The Twins

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