Well, Oktoberfest. Remember how I said I wanted to go on Saturday to get all my info for this post? Worst decision ever. The weather was terrible and it was absolutely packed with people. There was no normal walking on the grounds there, just huddling behind masses of people, hoping only to inch your way somewhere. I ended up leaving and going out to lunch somewhere else.
This experience however, is not to give a general picture of Oktoberfest. I went with my mom on a later date (in the middle of the week) and had a wonderful time. We usually go to the tent known as the Hippodrom (you can have champagne there!)- and the food is really great. I got Käsespätzle, or basically a Bavarian version of mac 'n' cheese.
So besides loads of drunk dudes looking down your blouse, crazy drunk people bulldozing their way into other people, and funny french guys to give you roses, Oktoberfest is pretty cool. Mostly.
To be totally honest, I'm actually no big Oktoberfest fan. I like the food and the beer, but the atmosphere has become so much of a tourist attraction, it doesn't feel even traditional anymore. In Munich we have a smaller beer fest called Frühlingsfest (spring festival), which I generally prefer. More locals and less ruckus.
For everyone who doesn't know why we even have Oktoberfest, I'll tell you the story I get to tell on my tours (which I've finally started!).
It all starts with the wedding of a king most people have never heard of. His name is Ludwig (or Louis) I, who marries the lovely Therese in October 1810. As a wedding gift he gives her a large field here in Munich, called the Theresienwiese. They get married there and invite the whole city to celebrate with them, and they have horse races and beer and carnival games. The people of Munich liked the party so much that they asked to do it again the year after (and the year after that and the year after that...) and now it's the Oktoberfest we know today. Only thing is that nowadays it starts in September because of weather issues.
What else contributes to the Oktoberfest Experience? My friend, just check the link here (if you have a weak stomach I don't recommend clicking this): http://münchen-kotzt.de
And that is the reality of Oktoberfest, folks! Unfortunately I'm currently unable to post any of my own pictures because my mom has them all and it'll be a bit of a project to get them to me.
The next post will happen a lot sooner, I promise (I'm talking within the week!)
Ois Guade!
Music for the Morning: Streets by Abby
Ois Guade!
Music for the Morning: Streets by Abby
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