But, in case you were wondering where I've been (why I haven't been writing), the answer isn't really that exciting. I've been really busy! I spent around three weeks in Munich working every day (giving tours), I even photographed two clubs. In July, we went to Lake Constance for five days (it rained four of those days). I also spent four days in a lodge close to the Italian border, at a good friend's party (it was actually pretty fun!).
More importantly though, I made some massive progress with a song that is pretty much finished now. I love it! When I started it back in April, I had a clear vision of how it was supposed to sound. But it wound up being waaaay too 80's synth-pop. It reminded me of Jump by Van Halen! So we worked on it for months, trying to come up with a reasonably good sound and a hook that would work. Finally a week and a half ago, it came to me! And now the song is done, can you believe it?! It just needs some finishing touches. You would not believe how much work it can be making music. It can be so frustrating, especially when you know a certain part isn't working but don't know exactly how to fix it! But all I can say is, thank God we've got it done. I've also got a concept in my head for a music video. It's pretty sweet. I can't wait to release!
But really, the reason why I'm writing today is that I do have a couple of things to say. Maybe I'm wrong and you can hate me for my weirdo opinions if you want. But at the end of the day, they're just my opinions- and I have the firm belief that an opinion cannot be "right" or "wrong." Because it's just an opinion, a point of view. I think Lady Gaga is a good singer. Maybe you don't. Who's right here? No one. See what I mean?
Speaking of Lady Gaga though, she's actually one of the things that inspires this piece today. You see, a few days ago on Instagram, she posted a picture of herself performing (in costume as "Venus"). Her caption reads: "A true Venus is beautiful at any size. #BodyRevolution Don't allow Society to tell you what beauty is. back when they first made painting and sculptors of the goddess she was represented as a round and fertile woman. It was in style to be thicker because food was a sign of money. eat up children. Life is too short."
While I agree with her statement completely, it left me thinking for days about this thing we call the "Body Revolution," also known as the "Body Peace Revolution." Which led me to think about a number of similar movements that have been going viral lately (feminism, ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, etc). What stands behind the Body Revolution and declaring "peace" with your body? It seems to be a movement geared mostly by women. I've read and seen a lot of statements and pictures with women demanding for more "real women" and things like "real women look like..." and so on. Which to be honest, is starting to irritate me.
First of all, I am very pro-love. One of my deepest convictions is that if this world just had an ounce more love in it, the way we interact with each other and perceive the world would be very different. And being someone who has borne their "fair share" of burden from the hate machine, it's not a thing I would ever wish to spread (hate, that is).
So what I want to say is: I don't hate anyone for any given reason. However, there is a reason why this Body Peace thing is getting on my nerves. Yes, it has to be said- Women, accept and love yourselves! But wait... don't men need to hear that exact same message? What is a "real man?" Anyway, back to the issue at hand. While I don't believe shaming of any kind is acceptable (fat-shaming, "slut"-shaming, and so on), there is a point that needs to be made here.
There is a reason why people are warning against (and less attracted to) obesity. Being obese is unhealthy. Humans are biologically programmed to seek out mates who will produce the healthiest and strongest offspring, because humans instinctively want to continue their genetic heritage. That's why beauty is such an issue. Beauty is generally associated with health and well-being. But then we get into a much deeper issue. What is beauty nowadays? How is it defined? Ugh, what a lecture that would be. It's true, beauty comes in all shapes, forms, and sizes. But my thing is with obese people who want obesity to be acceptable. No, it's unhealthy. Any doctor can tell you that. (On the other hand, some people do have specific medical conditions that make it very difficult not to be obese, such as an underactive thyroid. I am not referring to this though).
And what's the converse side of that? Being stick thin and 6 feet tall, which is not healthy either if you're starving yourself to attain it. Wake up people! "Body Peace" is not an excuse to be lazy and unhealthy. It's also not a ground to pick on naturally thin women either (as I was bullied throughout school for being "too skinny," "too small," "underdeveloped," and whatever else). But what about all the women who fall somewhere in between? While I believe that people in general just need to be more accepting and self-accepting, I am a big supporter of health. If you eat right, and exercise regularly, then I have to say, you'll probably be right about your ideal figure, (or get there, if you're just starting to do those things).
I just googled this picture, and I have to say- none of these women look like me. So am I not a "real woman" now because I don't have curves? Double standard, anyone? I think at the end, this phrase "real women" is the unfair part. A "real woman" is nothing more than a woman who simply exists. An empowered woman someone who is happy with herself and her character. Someone who also brings useful contribution to her environment and people around her.
And where do I fall? I have been told many times over how "lucky" am for my looks, and how "good-looking people have it easier anyway." Breaking news guys: no one has it easier than anyone else. In the words of Life of Brian, "life's a piece of shit, when you look at it!" It's in our nature as human beings to judge based on the appearance of things. It's a function in our brains used to store data effectively, recognize patterns, and even help protect ourselves. Somehow though, I don't know why, it's also in our nature to tend to not look beneath the surface. In high school, I got a lot of attention. But nowadays, many people will take one look at me and think that there is nothing beneath the surface. A really good friend of mine says it's the image I've pasted to my forehead. But I'm not sure where I stand on the issue. I don't feel like I have to prove anything to anyone (unlike what many people have said about me over the years). I write this blog because I love to write. I sing because it's just what I do. I rarely think twice about taking the actions I do, because I know what I want. I learned to speak a foreign language in one year! (okay, there was my little self-proving bit)
Take a step back and look at everyone you might have made a conclusion about, without taking the time to scratch beneath the surface. What about that guy in school with bad grades, who keeps to himself and wears hoodies with holes in them? Or that girl who was constantly talking? What about someone who was mean to you? Did you ever take the time to try to understand them?
Because someone who is "hating" you doesn't actually hate you. They hate themselves. It's a very deep issue, but it's the truth. If anyone lashes out at you in anger (and potential nastiness), it's because you have (in your being) shown them something they don't like about themselves. Like I said, it's a difficult issue to wrap one's head around- but it does make sense.
I'm tired of making an "issue" out of everything. The media is an insatiable beast that will put everything through it's mouth 'til it's beyond bland. I'm tired of hearing about things like these "equality issues," gun control, feminism. Because many of these "issues" actually destroy their good intentions. Feminism has turned into a real battle. I was even verbally attacked the other day because of a pair of shoes I own with rabbit fur. What is this world coming to?! So, you're into animal rights and all that but you're going to treat your fellow human being like dirt for his own personal choices?
This is my big point. It's not our place to judge one another. That's not what we are meant to coinhabit this earth for! Dig beneath the surface, leave behind hate and fear, and set yourself free. That's what our world needs- nothing less.
Have a wonderful, joyful weekend!
What I've been listening to lately: When A Fire Starts To Burn by Disclosure; Living Together by Circa Survive; Silverfish by Belly
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