Blog Archive

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Learning Curve

Here I am in Innsbruck! I could not be more in love with this place. First of all, it's a really small town with a big city feel. Only around 120,000 people actually live here- which is fairly awesome for me because that's the same size as the place where I grew up. Still, when you're walking downtown it really doesn't feel so small! 
Another really cool thing is that at every vantage point you can see the mountains, because we're smack dab in the middle of them! Plus the people here are so friendly- I'm 100% sure that this move was exactly the right thing for me.

So what am I doing here anyway?

Simple: networking! Now as much as I'd love to explain what exactly that means, I will just say it's fast-paced, fun, and a good road to success. Of course my goal is to be a singer- but that's for later. Right now I'm just concentrating on working hard at this game that's totally new for me. And yes, it's definitely a learning curve. First of all, I'm a really really shy person. I mostly always have been. So coming to Innsbruck, meeting tons of new people all at once, and being really extroverted is of course fun, but can be scary! And as the word "networking" would suggest, being outgoing is definitely a pre-req. At least I know where to improve though! That's the really fun part though, because I realized in order to succeed, it's all or nothing- stepping outside of your comfort zone 90% of the time, breaking personal records, and committing to self-improvement every single day. When you do that, the results come so quickly. Change yourself, change your life, change the world!

But I better not get too far ahead of myself ;) I'm just excited, because so far Innsbruck has been a place that challenges me- and where there are challenges, there are HUGE opportunities for growth!

So bring it on! ;) let's see what 2014 has in store for all of us!

Music for the Morning: Damn Beat by FAMP (a really awesome Austrian band- check them out!)

PS- I know this is a really short post- it's busy, busy around here! I'll be back later this week ;)


  1. Im really happy that everything is going well for you. Tell us more about the city, Innsbruck sounds a lot like Ann Arbor, is it?

  2. I'm so jealous of you, that city is beautiful.
