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Friday, April 18, 2014

About Life

Yesterday was our life coaching event in Innsbruck with Alexander Vitocco. It was brilliant! There are so many things you can learn at these kinds of events. I love always being able to walk away with something new. It's even like when I re-read a "self-improvement" book, even though the words on the page are the same, I always find another point that stands out in a way it hadn't before!

What stood out to me yesterday is how you can kind of get stuck in an old (and useless) mindset. There was a time at the end of 2013 when I was constantly changing, improving, feeling wonderful and harmonious all the time. The number on my bank account was steadily growing, I was doing great on my tours and everything was seemingly "perfect."

Then I spent some of money on various things once I moved to Innsbruck and I started accepting something I call "half-successes." A half-success is the pain-staking average, the minimum wage you accept because "that's the way it is," the mediocrity of day to day life, etc. I know, know, know life is beautiful and full of magic. But sometimes I allow a type of figurative cataract to cloud my vision. The smog sets in, so to speak. And so I accept disrespect as normal, I start to "get used to" the amount of money on my bank account, and I adapt to the status quo of life.

But people, life should adapt to us! My life is about me and no one else! Of course I care for the people in my life, but my life isn't and shouldn't be about anyone else. I want to help people deeply and I want to change the world, but I will never be able to do that before I help and change myself! And so I'm realizing it's beneficial to read, re-read, re-read again, watch seminars over and over, listen to audiobooks every day, and really fill up your "think tank" with positive information. Mostly everyone knows this principle anyway, but why do so few of us make it stick? It's easy to read a book once. It's easy to watch video and say, "mhm, yes, that's so true!"

But I found that December and January had been possibly the most harmonious, joyful, and positive months of my life. Why? Because I practiced principles and lived them all the time. I read The Secret over and over and over again, all the time, every day. And the information and principles stuck! I started writing every morning and every night what I was grateful for. Even if it was stupid things like, "I'm grateful for my long hair," (yes, potentially superficial I know, but I wrote anything I was grateful for which would eventually lead me to deeper things). I dreamed my big dreams and lived my vision. Everyday, I reminded myself of where I want to go. I lived my vision! In La Palma, I created feelings of giving and receiving love, the feeling of being in a relationship. Now I had no idea where a relationship would come from, but it didn't matter. All I did was just 'feel' this thing into existence- and it worked. I literally created the world I live in. And the thing is, you and I do that every day. But we forget. We get distracted by things like spilling the coffee, the people who cut us off in traffic, the kids who won't give us a break, etc.

And then the phone rings and your sister is bugging you and the trash needs to be taken out and the darn rain flooded your basement and this person showed up too late and, and, and...

Do you see what I mean? And unfortunately I've kind of "stuck" myself since I returned from Florida. Some major fears set in the back of my mind and actualized themselves in the form of this contented attitude, more stress, arguments, whatever. It's so easy to forget that I have the power to change this! If something scheiße happened, I have the power to decide for something wonderful! If my day didn't go the way I wanted, I will lay back and visualize it the way it "should've" happened. Everything I desire. There is no reason to be satisfied with average because "other people have it worse." Saying someone can't be sad because because someone else may have it worse is just like saying someone can't be happy because someone else may have it better! (In this case by sad I mean dissatisfied with the current situation, whatever it is).

So as I mentioned in my last post, I've already put an end to the complaining. By complaining, you're defeating yourself and rendering yourself powerless against any negative force.

I'm also done accepting the ordinary. I mean, I have nothing against down-to-earth, but that's not what I mean with ordinary. I mean just mediocrity. I am grateful for what I have, but it could be more. Like Alex said yesterday, he likes to be happy but dissatisfied. Happy and grateful for the things you have, but it could be better. It could be more. And that's the point. When I see something happen that I don't like, I won't reject it or evaluate it as "bad." I will move on and focus on what I do like and what do want. And I know what I want!!!

So a big thank you to Alex Vitocco for opening my eyes again and helping me to understand that it's all to easy to get "settled" into the way things are, but it's important to reach for what you really want. If you want more money (easiest example), state it. Decide it and live it. I am so so so tired of "scraping along." So I will create a new reality, over and over again, life will adapt to me, not the other way around!

Sound good? Cool thing is that every human being on the earth has this power. I mean really anything is possible. In November or December, I remember writing down things I wanted (some of them were pretty far-fetched, believe me)- and in January I looked and I was amazed to find that nearly every point had been achieved! All I did was imagine my ideal world, felt it, and it came true.

Yeah! So I have to resolve, re-resolve, and practicepracticepractice until I achieve the reality I desire.

With much love

Music for the day: My Hero by Foo Fighters

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